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"Di qui passò Francesco"


The identifying logo of the two paths:
-On the road with St. Francis
-With wings on your feet



di qui passò Francesco

Association membership cards
- how to become members -

There are three levels of "membership" depending on your financial commitment when you join:

ordinary member:
the annual rate is €10, renewable yearly.


sustaining member:
prepared to give more than €10, renewable annually


builder member:
€1,000 gives the entitlement to: “A bed for life at the hostel in Assisi”, obviously respecting the hospitality periods and times of pilgrims and the various activities that will take place in the “Ruah… or the light breeze”, the hostel in Assisi. Builder Members’ enrolment in the “Società delle pietre vive” [Society of the living stones] will be legalised by means of a private deed.

To register and then become a member
there are three steps to follow:

  1. Fill in the registration form.
  2. Send the registration form, duly completed, either by email or normal post.
  3. Pay the fee either by BACS payment or by completing a postal payment slip.

The formalities to follow are shown below.

The registration form remains in the archives of the association and will not be divulged in any form. The duly completed form must be sent as indicated below.

Membership form (.doc format) >>>
Printable membership form (.pdf format) >>>

Once downloaded it can be printed off, filled in by hand and sent by post to:

Ass.ne Amici del cammino
c/o Girola Eugenio e Teresa
Via Vittorio Emanuele,11
22070 Oltrona San Mamette (CO)
or via mail in .pdf format, to: taugiallo@gmail.com

Payment must be made using one of the following methods:
Payment slip
Account: n° 000006321777
Beneficiary: associazione amici del cammino "Di qui passò Francesco"
Reason: contributo associativo [membership fee]
BACS transfer
to “Banco Posta”
[Post Office] account
Current Account holder: ass.ne amici cammino Di qui passo' Francesco
IBAN Code IT26C0760103000000006321777
Current Account n°: 000006321777

On receiving the registration form and notification of payment of the membership fee, we will send the following to the address shown on the form:

  • The membership card (for ordinary members, this will not be changed each year, but will be renewed on payment of the annual fee).
  • A sticker for your car (it’s good to be proud of your memberships!).
  • A letter of welcome.
  • We will send you a newsletter periodically to enable you to share in the activities of the Association, which you can follow almost in real time from the pages of the blog and the website www.diquipassofrancesco.it

All members are invited to offer their support as volunteers to sustain the activities of the association in the way that best suits them, e.g. work involved in launching the Hostel house, as “hospitaleri” [volunteers helping pilgrims], as publicisers of the association, as promoters of initiatives….) by following the principle that:

"Un sogno deve lasciare un segno"
[A dream must leave a sign]

(Monsignor Giancarlo Bregantini)

… and that change of vowel in Italian means everything!
The founder members thank you and… welcome you with open arms.

The President

webmaster Oriano - www.pellegrinibelluno.it
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